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SUMMER IS HERE - Don't Waste It!

Summer is here - although nobody told the weather! Read our ultimate guide on on maximising your potential during the off-season!

Whether you are a seasoned player looking to refine your skills or a budding athlete eager to step up your game, this article is your go-to resource for making the most out of this golden opportunity!

Friends Relaxing by a lake

Setting the Foundation: Planning & Goal Setting

Summer is a golden opportunity for Squash Players to make real improvements to their game, as their leagues, tournaments & seasons come to an end. However, how often have you blinked and found the start of the new season just a week away? How often have you gone into the first Match of the Season feeling ill prepared to compete, leading to a slow start to the season or picking up an injury just 2 weeks in?

As a side note - this guide predominantly focuses on Squash (obviously). However it can easily be used in all areas of your life, especially for teens & kids at school. Developing good habits can have an exponential effect on your growth & development, both on and off the Court!

Creating a Strategic Plan

Summer offers squash athletes a valuable window to work on their weaknesses, enhance strengths and optimise fitness levels. The key to success lies in mapping out a structured training plan tailored to your individual needs.

"If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!"
A thoughtful Squash Player

We have all heard this saying before! Without setting out a plan over the Summer, you are setting up yourself for failure. You'll be wandering aimlessly through random sessions. Without any structure these will have limited impact, leading to feelings of frustration in the lack of improvement and ultimately a loss in motivation.

Effective planning involves setting specific goals, outlining the necessary steps to reach those goals and anticipating potential obstacles along the way. By taking the time to plan ahead, you can proactively address challenges and make informed decisions that will help you achieve your goals.

Setting SMART Goals

To stay motivated and focused throughout the summer training period, it's crucial to establish SMART goals — Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound.

Whether you aim to improve your backhand, boost endurance, or enhance tactical awareness, setting clear objectives will guide your progress and keep you on track.

Consistency Is Key: Committing to Your Plan

Consistency is the cornerstone of progress in any athletic pursuit. Make a commitment to your summer training schedule and remember, it's the small, consistent efforts that culminate in significant improvements over time!

Identify Obstacles

Everyone might have their own obstacles that can throw them off track and make their training inconsistent - that's life.

For adults this could be work, kids & family, holidays or other commitments. For kids this is more likely to be down to the freedom and lack of structure the Summer Holidays offer! This could include spending hours & hours on a video game, social media or spending time with friends among other things.

These things are important. We all need time to relax and unwind from work, school and a tough season. However if unchecked these things can lead to a wasted Summer, where before you know it, the first Match of the season starts next week!

Identifying these potential obstacles in you plan and setting boundaries will help you remain consistent, prioritise tasks, manage your time efficiently and stay on top of your training.

Journal & Record Your Progress

Recording your progress is a powerful tool that can help you stay consistent in working towards your goals.

Man recording Squash data

By keeping track of your achievements, setbacks, and the steps you have taken, you can gain valuable insights into your journey.

This process allows you to see how far you have come, which can be incredibly motivating and encouraging. Additionally, tracking your progress helps you identify patterns, trends and areas for improvement.

It provides you with a clear roadmap of what is working well and what needs adjustment. Overall, recording your progress not only keeps you accountable but also enables you to make informed decisions that ultimately lead to success.

Surround Yourself with the Right People

Depending on your goals, it's important to surround yourself with the right people. It can be very difficult to achieve these goals on your own.

This might be by working with a Training Partner who shares similar goals. Having someone to train with not only gives you someone to hit with, it can provide valuable support as you aim to achieve your goals. It also makes you accountable to them as well and makes it much harder to miss valuable training sessions.

Another option it to invest in a Squash Coach to help you achieve your goals. This could be in weekly Coaching Session or even more infrequent sessions between your other training. Again this can help you be more accountable to your training as well as making sure you are doing the right things on and off Court.

A good Coach will help support your Summer Training no matter how much on Court time you spend with them. Some people might want a more full on Coaching Programme over Summer where the Coach helps set out your full Training Programme.

Whatever your goals and ambitions, we are here to help and you can book a session with one of our Coaches here.

Benefits of Strategic Planning, Goal Setting & Consistency

Enhanced Performance

By crafting a well-thought-out training plan, setting specific goals, and maintaining consistency in your efforts, you pave the way for enhanced performance on the Squash Court. You'll witness tangible progress in your game, from technique to increased fitness, improved mental resilience and tactical awareness.

Injury Prevention

Structured summer training not only elevates your performance but also plays a crucial role in injury prevention. By focusing on Strength & Conditioning exercises, flexibility, and proper recovery strategies, you fortify your body against common Squash related injuries, ensuring your ready for the start of the Season and much more likely to stay fit & healthy throughout the season.

Mental Toughness & Focus

Consistent training and goal setting foster mental toughness, resilience & unwavering focus — essential qualities for Squash Players! As you challenge yourself over Summer, push past limitations and strive towards your goals, you cultivate a winning mindset that transcends the confines of the court.

Personal Training Session

Embracing the Transformation: Your Summer Training Journey

As you embark on your Summer training journey, remember that progress is not always linear. Embrace the highs & lows, the breakthroughs & setbacks, as integral parts of your growth as a Athlete. Stay committed to your goals, stay adaptable in your approach, and most importantly, stay passionate about the sport that drives your drive for improvement.

In conclusion, the off-season presents a valuable opportunity for Athletes to refine their skills, improve their fitness and elevate their game to new heights. By crafting a strategic training plan, setting SMART goals, and embracing consistency in your efforts, you lay the foundation for success both on and off the court.

So, seize the summer, unleash your potential, and let your dedication shape you into the Squash player you aspire to be. Now, go forth and conquer the court, one well-executed shot at a time!

Growth Zone Chart

Remember, a champion is not defined by their victories alone but by the dedication, hard work, and resilience they embody along the way. Let this Summer be your stepping stone towards your best season yet!

With that, we conclude by sharing a great video on Summer Training by Sam Martin - a Mental Performance Coach who helps high performers develop an elite mentality. Check out some of his other Videos which provide some great insights into the world of Performance Psychology! We hope this, as well as our guide, helps your Squash journey be filled with growth, progress and an unwavering determination on the road to success!


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